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Letter E

mergence and Complexity in Real World Research

The purpose of this website is to offer a qualitative alternative to the many websites offering predominantly quantitative perspectives and advice on the application of complex systems theory in social science research.

December 2002:

This website will receive a major updating after I finish work on my PhD later this winter. In the meantime, my apologies for lack of updating/upgrading.


A couple of definitions (how I interpret things):

Emergence and Complexity:

Concepts (ways of thinking) broadly informed by Dynamical and Complex Systems Theories, as well as the Ecological perspective.

Real World Research:

Research conducted in, and using data generated from, “the actual context where whatever we are interested in occurs” (C. Robson, Real World Research - 1993).

This website is an ‘individual’ and ‘private’ enterprise (but no less distributed and situated for that reason). There is no formal connection between the content and purpose of this web site, and positions I might hold elsewhere.

Juup Stelma, Leeds, UK - April, 2002 (My personal ‘hub’ on the net is here).