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rojects on Emergence and Complexity

Complexity in Social Science

From their website: 

COSI is a 3 year (2000-2003) research training Network funded by the European Commission under Framework 5 (DG XII TMR). RTN Contract Number HPRN-CT-2000-00068.  The principle objective of the project is, to assess critically and develop new ways of thinking about social processes, modelling and complex organisations. The approach is based on the notion of complexity modelling.  The network is grounded on this new paradigm and has a specific goal:

  • understanding and modelling socio-cognitive processes in the context of real organisational systems.
  • The network is naturally pluri-disciplinary and pluri-institutional in order to:

  • increase awareness of the use of complexity theory in social science
  • promote the new culture of pluri-disciplinary research applied to concrete industrial problems
  • initiate an emergent European research movement in the domain of the simulation of social science
  • MIT System Dynamics in Education Project

