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inks to Useful Resources on the World Wide Web

The links are sub-divided into the following categories:


Links to other relevant Websites:

University of York (Mathematics) Links to DATA SETS (including timeseries data from social domians).  Might be of interest if you’d like to practice finding chaotic structure in real world data sets

Chaos Limited / Glenda Eoyang

This site has information on Chaos Limited, which is a consulting firm run by Glenda eoyang. The site also has full text availability of the writings of Glenda Eoyang.  Her work is mainly in the area of organisational management. When accessed on January 12th, 2002, some of the full text PDF files had errors in them.

List of Web Sites and Readings - University of Colorado at Denver, School of Education.

This is a list of links to resources on Cybernetics, Systems Theory and Complexity.  The list is original in the sense that it contains reference to mostly qualitative perspectives, and because it is fairly broad in its focus. The list includes links to websites, mailing lists, and publications.  Particular useful is the comprehensive set of links to websites dealing with the work of Gregory Bateson. These links can be found here.



Links to relevant Conferences (past, present and future):

What Disaster Response Management Can Learn From Chaos Theory Conference Proceedings May 18-19, 1995. Edited by Gus A. Koehler, PhD.



Links to relevant Mailing lists:

Complex-science mailing list.

The discussion on this is less quantitative/mathematical than the Chaospsyc mailing list.



Links to Useful bibliographies:

Bibliography on Autopoiesis (by Mark Deuze, Amsterdam School of Communications Research).

Bibliography on Autopoiesis and Enaction (by Dr. Randall Whitaker).

Bibliographies on a range of relevant research methodology/theory (Applied Development Science website)

A very extensive (but rough) bibliography of a variety of complex systems literature (by Edmund Chattoe).

Chaos and Complexity in Nursing bibliography (it is surprisingly estensive!)